Friday, March 31, 2017

Fem smarte måter å gå over til åpen vitenskap

Artikkelen "Five ways consortia can catalyse open science" skrevet av Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld med kollegaer publisert i Nature er spennende fordi den har undersøkt 50 vellykkede åpen vitenskap prosjekter og funnet ut at man må bygge ut fra midten. Top-down og bottom-up i akademia er ofte dårlige strategier. Prinsippene er ganske enkelt forklart med denne matrisen fra artikkelen:

Consortia dos and don’ts

StrategyDoDo not
Build out from the middleLegitimize new cross-cutting entities that catalyse sharing.Assume ‘top down’ or ‘bottom up’ initiatives will be sufficient.
Forge a shared visionConduct outreach so stakeholders explicitly voice goals and identities.Assume that stakeholders all agree on what is ‘at stake’.
Accommodate diverse, changing interestsRegularly map needs. Adjust and maintain shared vision.Assume that stakeholders have the same needs or fixed needs
Multiply impactsAllow coalitions to forge new forms of cooperation.Undermine consortia members’ independence.
Co-evolveAdapt social and technical systems to emerging needs and practices.Assume that if you build it, users will come.

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